Phloroglucinol (Spasfon): when and how to take it? : Current Woman Le MAG

Phloroglucinol, better known as Spasfon, is a symptomatic treatment generally prescribed against abnormal and painful contractions of different organs of the human body, in particular the intestine (functional disorders of the digestive tract) and the uterus (painful periods and contractions during pregnancy). This antispasmodic can also be taken in self-medication, without a medical prescription. However, it is advisable to respect the dosage, the precautions for use and the contraindications, to avoid undesirable or serious side effects.

1. Phloroglucinol 80 or 160 mg (Spasfon): what is it?

According to the “PHLOROGLUCINOL EG 80 mg, orodispersible tablet — Summary of Product Characteristics” sheet of the Public Medicines Database, phloroglucinol is a medicine used to reduce spasmodic pain, i.e. pain associated with spasms or contractions of various organs. In France, it is sold in pharmacies, with or without a medical prescription, under the name “Spasfon” or under the name of the molecule, “Phloroglucinol”, for generic drugs. It is marketed in several forms: in tablets to be swallowed, in lyophilisate to be dissolved under the tongue (orodispersible), in suppositories to be inserted anally, or even as an injectable solution. Regarding its mode of action, phloroglucinol inhibits the contractile activity of smooth muscle cells, resulting in an antispasmodic and pain relieving effect on smooth muscles, especially in acute pain phases.

2. Phloroglucinol: why take this medicine?

The intake of phloroglucinol (Spasfon) is indicated, according to the “summary of product characteristics” of the Public Drug Database, to relieve pain due to contractions of the intestine, bile ducts, bladder and uterus. Thus, it can be administered in case of:

Gynecologists use phloroglucinol (Spasfon) to reduce the sharp pains of contractions during pregnancy, after an abortion or during childbirth. However, a meta-analysis titled “Efficacy of phloroglucinol for the treatment of pain of gynaecologic or obstetrical origin: a systematic review of literature of randomized controlled trials” published in January 2020 indicates that this indication is controversial. Scientists conclude:Whether for labor pain, abortion pain or mild gynecological pain, the results found are insufficient to promote the use of this drug in these indications.“.

Child and adult dosage: how many phloroglucinol tablets can you take per day?

In adults, it is advisable to take one tablet at the time of the crisis, which can be renewed in the event of significant spasms, respecting an interval of two hours between each dose and without however exceeding three tablets of 160 mg per day ( or 6 for 80 mg tablets per day). In children over 2 years of age, the usual dosage is the same: one tablet at the time of the attack, to be renewed in the event of major spasms (respecting the two-hour period) and not exceeding two tablets in 24 hours.

Orodispersible tablets can be dissolved in a glass of water or placed under the tongue to have a faster effect“, specifies the Vidal. In children, the tablets are to be dissolved in a glass of water, according to the Public Database of Medicines.

3. Phloroglucinol: can it be taken by pregnant women or when breastfeeding?

Some drugs can cause malformations or lead to the death of the fetus. Also, the “summary of product characteristics” of the Public Drug Database indicates that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are strongly advised to consult their doctor or pharmacist before using phloroglucinol. At present, research studying the effect of phloroglucinol on animal fetuses seems to prove that this antispasmodic drug does not have a teratogenic effect (i.e. capable of causing serious malformations) in children. ‘animal. However, until today, all drugs that have not caused malformations in animal fetuses have not caused malformations in human fetuses. So, since phloroglucinol has no teratogenic effect in animals, it seems almost certain that it has none in humans.

However, epidemiological studies are still lacking to guarantee the absence of risk in humans. And therefore, taking phloroglucinol during pregnancy should only be advised if strictly necessary and on medical advice. No studies have been conducted regarding breast-feeding, so it is best not to take this antispasmodic medication if you are breast-feeding your baby.

4. What are the contraindications of phloroglucinol?

Phloroglucinol is strictly contraindicated in people with a history of allergic reaction to the components of the drug, especially to avoid serious side effects. In addition, people suffering from galactose intolerance, total lactase deficiency or glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome should absolutely not use this drug which contains lactose. Furthermore, morphine and morphine derivatives have a spasmogenic effect. Also, people who take this type of analgesic treatment should not take phloroglucinol.

What are the possible side effects? In some cases, an allergy may occur. It is manifested by symptoms such as pimples or redness on the skin, swelling of the face and neck (angioedema) or anaphylactic shock.


Read also :

⋙ Spasfon: how does this medicine for stomach ache work?

⋙ Spasfon: in which case can it be taken and with what dosage?

⋙ Irritable bowel syndrome: reduce abdominal pain

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