PHOTO – Amanda Lear operated on the heart: finally “repaired”, she gives news

Singer and actress Amanda Lear feels “fixed“after her heart operation, as she explained in a post on her Instagram account.

Amanda Lear has just had heart surgery. This Saturday, January 8, the singer and actress posted a photo on her Instagram account. She is seen lying on a hospital bed, with a big smile and a good look despite her recent operation.. In English, she writes in the caption of the photo: “HAPPY for having done it !! Heart surgery. My heart is now mended and LOVE even more my fans. “Obviously, the interpreter of”Queen of Chinatown“doesn’t regret her choice at all. Messages of support and good recovery abound in the post’s comments.

Amanda Lear underwent surgery in Zurich, Switzerland, according to the location on Instagram. Today, if the singer wants to come to France, where she lives, she must provide herself a residence permit, like all English people, since Brexit. She has never applied for naturalization: “Being British, when I married a Frenchman, I did not consider it necessary to convert since anyway we lived in France, there was the common market, the European Union, we didn’t care, no one needed a passport, she explained to Eric Dussart in the RTL show We are remaking the TV last October.

> Discover the crazy life of Amanda Lear

She was marked by her meeting with the Macrons

Last November, Amanda Lear met the presidential couple. The latter marked the singer and muse of Salvador Dali. “Can you imagine that yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Macron came to see [ma] room, she told PureBreak. Afterwards, they invited me to dinner with the whole team at the restaurant next door. “An evening which apparently went very well given the impression left by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on Amanda Lear.”They are adorable, quite charming“, she said.”They are very cultured, especially her. They talked about music, classical, concerts, pieces… It surprised me a lot.. “

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: Jack Tribeca / Bestimage

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