photos of potential suspects revealed?

Lina, 15, hasn’t given any sign of life for a month. Investigators are continuing their research by interviewing several witnesses. One of them, who said he saw the teenager in a car, revealed that photos of potential suspects were shown to him by the gendarmes.

A month after the disappearance of 15-year-old Lina, the mystery remains unsolved. On September 23, the young girl had to walk to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station (Bas-Rhin) to go to Strasbourg, where her boyfriend, Tao, was waiting for her. But the latter had no further news after receiving a video. Although he was suspected of being involved in the disappearance of the teenager, Tao was removed from all suspicion. His phone, which he had lost during a raid, was found and was analyzed by the police. At the center of attention: the famous video that Lina sent him, just two minutes before his phone stopped transmitting. Investigators therefore turned to other witnesses who know the teenager. Among them: Robert Dubois, a resident of Plaine (Bas-Rhin). This 72-year-old retiree knows Lina wellfor having often encountered her at the convenience store where the young girl worked.

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Asked by The New DetectiveRobert Dubois said he saw Lina on board a carafter going out to smoke on the steps of his house. “When the car passed on the road, I saw Lina in the passenger seat. […] She smiled at me and waved at me through the open window., he explains. On the other hand, he indicates that he was not able to see the driver’s face of the car in dark tones. It was only during his visit to the supermarket, Monday September 25, that he learned of Lina’s disappearance. Robert Dubois therefore went to the police station to testify. Embarrassed, he then explained to New Detective that the gendarmes showed him photos of possible suspects.

Did Lina get in a car for Strasbourg?

The revelations of this witness raise several questions. First of all, that of the path taken by Lina before she disappeared. As indicated by our colleagues, the car in which the teenager was reportedly traveling on departmental 169, towards Strasbourg. The research focused on the D350, which connects the hamlet of Champenay to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche. According to Mélina, an acquaintance of the young girl, Lina would be “distrustful and shy by nature”And would never get into a stranger’s vehicle – and so she must have known the driver of this car well. Investigators must still judge the reliability (or not) of Robert Dubois’ account, and cross-check it with other testimonies to clarify the circumstances of Lina’s disappearance.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she is not writing about current affairs, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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