Picture from the chief designer – Will VW bring the ID.Buzz as an electric pick-up?

The ID Buzz will be available in two versions right from the start: as a five-seater Van People and as a Transporter Cargo with two or three seats and a separate cargo area. VW has also announced versions with a longer wheelbase. Now VW chief designer Klaus Zyciora has indicated another possible model on his Instagram account: There you can see the sketch of a double cabin, with two rows of seats, four doors and an open loading area. As with the earlier VW double cabs, the flatbed is seamlessly attached to the cab in terms of style.

The sketch is still based on the ID Buzz study from 2017 with its painted roof pillars; the production model, on the other hand, is designed in the “Visor” look. Should VW decide to mass produce an ID.Buzz Doka, the roof section should be adjusted accordingly. The unusual transition from the rear roof pillar to the platform could also be modified. An ID.Buzz with a double cab could come onto the market with several performance levels and different battery sizes. Before that, however, there is another variant in the starting blocks: as “California”, the electric bus will continue the great motorhome tradition of its predecessor models with conventional drives. (aum/jm)
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