Picture published – Abandoned kayak poses a mystery to the police

Was there an accident behind it? This is the question that concerns the Tyrolean police after an abandoned kayak was found in the Trisanna near Kappl in Paznaun. A large search operation turned out negatively. A photo was published.

On Tuesday around 11 a.m., construction workers noticed a kayak floating around in the Trisanna below the so-called Gföll Gallery. The workers alerted the police. A major operation involving water rescue, fire brigades, paramedics and an emergency medical helicopter was launched.Hour-long search operationThe rescue workers searched for a possible casualty for three hours. But no one was found. The surveys are ongoing. The kayak may belong to the German who reported its loss on May 17th. However, this has not yet been clarified. The police are hoping for information from the public. The kayak found is numbered 39. Please contact the Kappl police at 059133-7143
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