Picture search: Which backpack looks different here?

Hidden picture
Which backpack is different from the rest?

Hidden picture: Which backpack in this picture is unique?

In this picture, you might think that all the backpacks are the same. In fact, one of them has a striking difference – but which one?

These backpacks in pink and light blue are very trendy. A total of 60 of them are lined up in formation in this picture – but one of them is out of line and different from the rest of the collection. But the unique piece is hard to find because the detail is striking but not so easy to spot at first glance.

Hidden picture: Where is the backpack that is different from the rest?

The best time for searching for the backpack is just under ten seconds, but that can only be achieved by people with almost supernatural eagle eyes. And how about you? In the video you can test yourself and find out the solution to the search image.

Source used: fresherslive.com


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