PICTURES. Shannen Doherty, from child star to international actress

Shannen Doherty has starred in multiple successful productions: The Little House On The Prairie, Beverly Hills 90210 or Charmed. Discover its evolution in photos.

Shannen Doherty became known in the cult series The Little House On The Prairie where she performed Jenny Wilder from 1982 when she was just 11 years old. This series launched her career since she then starred in several other productions such as the television series Our House where she played Kris Witherspoon between 1986 and 1989. From 1990, she began to be increasingly known internationally with the series Beverly Hills 90210 where she played Brenda Walsh between 1990 and 1994.

We were then able to find her. as Prue Halliwell in Charmed alongsideAlyssa Milano and Holly Marie Combs between 1998 and 2001. The series ended in 2006 but the actress left at the end of season 3 because there were many tensions between her and Alyssa Milano which damaged the good course of filming. The actress has also played in many successful films such as school girls, Fatal Games, The Glanders and Fortress.

The private life of Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty had several heart stories that got fans and media talking a lot. She has been married three times. The first time was with Ashley Hamilton in 1993 but the couple divorced after only 5 months of marriage. She then married Rick Salomon in 2002 but divorced 9 months later. Finally, she married her current husband Kurt Iswarienko in October 2011.

The latter is also a great support for the actress who has been battling stage 4 breast cancer since February 2020. Indeed, she had a recurrence 5 years after her first breast cancer which she fought between 2015 and 2017. Shannen Doherty has decided to make this disease a real media battle and she talks about it regularly on her Instagram account without taboos. Despite the illness, we have been able to see the actress play in several productions and pose during various recent events alone or alongside her husband… Here is all her evolution since her 11 years in photos.

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