Pierre Jouvet, this socialist friend of the Insoumis

Spokesperson for a party reduced to the bare minimum, this elected representative from the Drôme has finally made people talk about him thanks to negotiations with LFI.

He has just come out of a first marathon (negotiating constituencies and a program with the rebellious) than he has started a second (running for the 4th constituency of the Drôme). Spokesperson for the PS since October 2018, Pierre Jouvet, 35, was unknown to the general public. First because, he says, “the socialists were off the radar”, then because “people still identify the elephants with the party”.

Read also: The time of the purge at the PS

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Luckily, thanks to the agreement with LFI, most have withdrawn. “The PS is experiencing a generational turning point, assures Jouvet. It’s the end of those people I’ve seen on TV since I was 10. We clarified who we were, we changed the party from floor to ceiling. When the left has a good bourgeois management of politics without wanting to change people’s lives, it gets lost and gives birth to Macrons. »

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I was fed at the rally of the left

This “clarification” is also his. He supported Hollande in the 2011 primary, Valls in the next. In 2017, a legislative candidate, he put a photo of Macron on his campaign material. “I had a doubt about what he would do, he defends himself. Either he became the new Mendès France, or the new Giscard. Finally, he is the new Sarkozy. “An error that cost him the second round: it is on his left that the voices fail him. This year, there will be on its posters the logos of the PS, LFI, EE-LV, PCF…

“I was nurtured at the rally of the left,” says the man who was born in Valence in 1986 to parents who were teachers and socialists with Mitterrand tendencies. After 2002, he joined the PS before doing Sciences Po in Lyon. He chose as his base Saint-Vallier, 4,000 inhabitants, between Valence and the capital of Gaul. In 2014, at the age of 27, he was elected first deputy and then became president of the community of communes of Porte de DrômArdèche.

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Since 2020, he has been mayor of Saint-Vallier. In the meantime, he also worked for seven years in the cabinet of Didier Guillaume, from which he left when he entered Philippe’s government. Internally, his comrades praise his “sense of the collective” and “great ambition”. In his corner, some accuse him of having “taken the melon”. In the legislative elections, Jouvet hopes for between 35 and 40 deputies against 27 today. On this election depends its future, that of the PS and its leadership: it will say whether this clarification saved them or buried them.

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