Pierre Niney: his rare confidences about the harassment suffered on set: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Pierre Niney is an integral part of French actors. His charisma and talent shine across France and he increasingly surprises his audience with sometimes crazy films. Currently he is showing in Fiasco, the new Netflix series he co-wrote with Igor Gotesman. It is in this context that he confided in Society Wednesday May 8, 2024. Natasha Andrews’ companion looked back on her entire career. And even if he is proud of his career today, he went through more complicated times as he told our colleagues. In 2007, when he played Théo Reis, a Jewish teenager saved from deportation during the Second World War thanks to the help of a big-hearted woman in The Lady of Izieu by Alain Wermu, he was morally harassed on the set. “Two guys – I don’t want to specify the names – who had persecuted me a bit. I was the painkiller. It became ‘funny’ to make aggressive jokes about me, hazing every day. Except that it lasted, it was annoying, and I think it showed. The kind of stuff that wouldn’t happen again.”did he declare.

Pierre Niney: “I was the scapegoat”

A mixed start to his career of which the father has the most bitter memories. This is not the only bad experience that Pierre Niney has had in his life as an actor. In October 2022, while he was a guest on Léna Situations’ podcast, Six Seater Sofahe had mentioned this director who showed up “very very hard” with him, when he was only 17 years old. “For me, there was a form of emotional abuse, blackmail, too, due to the fact that it was a troop that he had had for a long time. There was something that was not healthy.” Pierre Niney then explained that he was doing “valves as a survival reflex”. “He spoke badly to me and, as a result, I said: ‘And then I make you a coffee and I clean the room a little?’ Otherwise, I burst into tears. Besides, when I was acting out, my throat was tight.he also added.

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