Pierre Palmade accident: the child “will not come out unscathed”, the driver still “between life and death”

During his audition, the actor said he had “no precise recollection of the circumstances of the accident“. FRANCOIS GUILLOT / AFP

NEWS THE FIGARO – The comedian was indicted and placed under electronic surveillance. In a state of recidivism, the actor at the origin of a serious road accident risks 20 years in prison.

As soon as his hospitalization was lifted, on February 15, 2023, Pierre Palmade was placed in police custody and then indicted for the appalling accident which claimed four victims, including a pregnant woman who lost the child she wore. Among the other victims, the driver of the vehicle is today “between life and death“and the 6-year-old child”in very serious condition“which suggests”that he won’t come out unscathed“, According to a source familiar with the matter.

This Friday, February 17, Pierre Palmade was placed under electronic surveillance for “homicide and unintentional injuries with aggravating circumstance under narcotics”, announced the public prosecutor of Melun Jean-Michel Bourlès, who had requested his placement in pre-trial detention. , “with money order“, has learned Le Figaro from a source familiar with the matter.

This charge could however be reclassified, the autopsy of the fetus carried out having “not allowed to establish whether this child was born…

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