Pierre Palmade: the actor who suffered a stroke during his hospitalization

Assigned to residence under an electronic bracelet at the Paul Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), Pierre Palmade was urgently transferred to the Kremlin-BicĂȘtre hospital, after suffering a stroke, as revealed Le Parisien.

Targeted by several investigations since the terrible road accident he caused on Friday February 10, 2023, Pierre Palmade was until now under house arrest under an electronic bracelet in the Paul Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne). However, The Parisian revealed on Saturday February 25, 2023 that the actor was urgently transferred to the Kremlin-BicĂȘtre hospital, after suffering a stroke. For the moment the vital prognosis of the actor is not engaged, which was not the case at the time of the accident of which he was at the origin.

For memory, Pierre Palmade violently hit a car head-on on departmental road 372 on Friday February 10, 2023. Driving his Peugeot 3008 under the influence of cocaine, as revealed by his toxicological analyzes, the comedian deviated from his trajectory, before hitting a vehicle which was traveling in the opposite direction. Seriously injured, the actor was rushed by helicopter to the Kremlin-BicĂȘtre hospital, because his vital prognosis was then engaged. Finally, the day after the accident, his relatives announced that Pierre Palmade’s life was no longer in danger.

Pierre Palmade soon placed in pre-trial detention?

A few days later, the comedian was indicted for “manslaughter and manslaughter“. In fact, the pregnant woman who was in the vehicle hit by the actor lost the baby she was carrying following the shock. If the latter was finally able to leave the hospital, this is not yet the case for the driver of the car and his six-year-old son. While Pierre Palmade had escaped being remanded in custody, the Melun prosecution appealed against his house arrest. Consequently, the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal will have to rule on this subject on Monday February 27, 2023. At the same time, Pierre Palmade is also under investigation for possession of child pornographyfollowing testimonies collected by the authorities.

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