Pistachio Snowflakes | BRIGITTE.de




  1. For the dough

  2. First knead the ingredients with the dough hook of the hand mixer, then with your hands into a smooth dough and chill for 30 minutes.

  3. For the filling

  4. Finely grind the pistachios with the powdered sugar in a blender until you get a green powder. Chop the couverture and let it melt in a metal bowl in a warm water bath. Heat the condensed milk in a small saucepan while stirring and add it to the chocolate with the pistachio powder and stir. Add butter and stir in, cover with foil and allow to cool.

  5. Roll out the dough between 2 layers of baking paper to a thickness of 2 mm, turn it out onto a lightly floured work surface and cut out 36 snowflakes. Cut out small flakes in the middle of half of the flakes to create a hole. Place on baking sheets lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees (fan oven 150 degrees) one after the other on the middle rack for about 7-8 minutes. Remove, remove from baking tray and allow to cool completely.

  6. Spread the pistachio cream with a teaspoon onto the snowflakes without a hole and top with a cookie with a cut-out flake. Dust the pistachio snowflakes with powdered sugar and sprinkle with chopped pistachios.

Commodity knowledge

Stored in a cool, dry place in an airtight container with greaseproof paper between the layers, it will last for approx. 2-3 weeks.

This recipe appeared in the Cookie Extra in issue 23/2023.

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