Platform workers shunned their election

“Participation was not fully up to the challenges”, recognizes in a press release the Association of Independent Platforms.

The miracle did not take place. Only 3,088 VTC drivers and two-wheeled delivery people finally voted to elect their representatives out of the 123,593 registered (39,313 drivers and 84,280 delivery people). Unlike their Spanish (employee) or British (specific status) counterparts, French Uber drivers and Deliveroo deliverers are self-employed. This ballot (carried out online from May 9 to 16) was the first step in a process that should enable them to improve their working conditions (price of the race, better social protection, etc.) by establishing social dialogue.

Sixteen lists (nine for delivery people and seven for drivers) had applied. From traditional unions to professional organizations, no one had any illusions about participation in this first ballot. ” Certainly, the participation is not very high (1.83% among delivery people, 3.91% among VTC)recognized Joël Blondel, managing director of Arpe, which organized these elections.What satisfies us is the plurality of representative organizations. This should make it possible to build the social dialogue to which everyone aspires.»

In detail, the National Federation of Autoentrepreneurs and Microentrepreneurs (FNAE, 28.45% among delivery people) and the VTC Association of France (AVF, 42.81%) are the big winners. Among the “classic” trade unions, the CGT came second among delivery people, and Union-Indépendants (close to the CFDT) third. In the VTC, all the organizations in the running will be able to appoint three representatives for the next two years, but the gap is enormous between the winner and his runner-up (Union-Independents).

SEE ALSO – Demonstration of VTC against the project to ban their circulation in the center of Paris

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