PlayStation does not intend to abandon single-player games despite its desire for service games

sony does not skimp on acquisitions at the moment, and the latest to date comes to prove the appetite of the manufacturer for the field of game-service. By acquiring Haven Studios, working on its first connected game, Sony and playstation demonstrate their desire to have new licenses for online gaming, to the chagrin of players who prefer solo games, which have been the strength of the brand in recent years. But rest assured, PlayStation and single-player games are far from over.

Solo games still on the program

This is Hermen Hulstdirector of PlayStation Studios, who spoke about it during an interview with following the takeover of Haven Studios.

In the latter, he reaffirms PlayStation’s desire to diversify while continuing to produce single-player games:

Obviously, we will always continue to create those single player narrative games like Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us and Horizon Forbidden West. But you did notice that we have invested in service games, because it’s incredibly exciting for us. It allows us to build bigger worlds, to create really meaningful social connections between players. »

As you will have understood, it is not a question of making fewer narrative games, but of making more titles and diversifying them. Remember that PlayStation wants to release 10 service games by 2026.

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