PlayStation further expands its family of studios

After making headlines by joining forces with the talents of the Bungie studio, PlayStation does not stop there. Sony’s gaming branch has announced the arrival among PlayStation Studios of Haven, the studio created by Jade Raymond to design the future big PS5 exclusive.

PlayStation further expands its family of studios
PlayStation Studios has already released several titles on PS5

And one more ! After Bungie (Halo, Destiny), Sony does not release the pressure. The Japanese manufacturer has unveiled the arrival of a new studio within its PlayStation Studios. The newcomer is far from a surprise. Haven Studios announced an exclusive and ambitious title for the PS5 almost a year ago. It will officially be under the PlayStation banner.

The very young Haven studio is not unknown, even if no game is currently known about it. And for good reason, it was born in March 2021 under the leadership of Jade Raymond, industry veteran passed in particular by Ubisoft – where she supervised the launch of the franchise Assassin’s Creed — or even Electronic Arts, which entrusted him with the creation of the Motive studio or even the management of Visceral Games.

A studio behind the next PlayStation blockbuster

It seemed obvious that Haven Studios was going to fall into the hands of Sony. It was the Japanese giant who himself announced the creation of the Montreal company last year, the partnership between the two players and the upcoming creation of a AAA game exclusive to the PlayStation 5. It will even be of a ” vision of (a) systemic and evolutionary freedom-oriented world “.

But for the moment, no information has filtered on the project. PlayStation simply confirmed that discussions were underway even before the creation of the studio was formalized and that the pitch for “a modern multiplayer experience that brings players together in a positive and meaningful way” had been able to seduce the Tokyo firm. “We trusted their creative and technical expertise to deliver such an ambitious project and were thrilled to invest in their journey of developing a new, original IP for PlayStation.”explains Hermen Hulst, Head of PlayStation Studios, in a blog post.

PlayStation further expands its family of studios
Jade Raymond

If there is no doubt that PlayStation had an important role in the founding of the Studio, Haven was officially born around Jade Raymond, then in an amicable separation with Google Stadia which had entrusted the reins of its studios to him. before closing them. To set up its teams, it joined the name services of the sector, notably through Ubisoft Montreal and the creation ofTom Clancy’s The Divisionor even many Stadia Entertainment & Games collaborators who have also left for new adventures.

“As Sony’s own studio, we will have the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most renowned development teams in the world, including studios like Guerrilla, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule and Insomniac Games, the game creators who have inspired as gamers and as developers for years,” writes Jade Raymond. “(Their) expertise will allow us to bring even better games to players. “It only remains to finally see a game appear after abortive experiments at Stadia as at Visceral Games where none of its games had seen the light of day before the studios disappeared purely and simply….

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