PlayStation Now: a big release on the program of new features for March 2022

the Xbox Game Pass allows you to play the catalog of Xbox Game Studios from their launch. And thanks to partnerships, more and more independent productions and AAA third-party publishers follow the same path. Rare fact, if the Playstation Plus has already proposed similar initiatives, the Playstation Nowmore accustomed to integrating titles that are a few months or even years old, will follow in their footsteps.

We learn indeed in the detour of an article of the PlayStation-Blog than Shadow Warrior 3 will be added to the PS Now when released on PS4 on March 1. We do not yet know until when the title will be available in the service, but given its lifespan, you should have time to go around. Does this tempting offer mark a new step towards unification with the Playstation Plus through the Spartacus Projectat the heart of rumors for several months?

Other than that, the PlayStation-Blog allowed us to discover several interesting videos of gameplay.

First of all, we wanted to tell you about a new mission in Shadow Warrior 3: The Dragon’s Nest! Our hero and his talkative companion track down the dragon that entered our dimension by accident at the end of the previous game. Specifically, they are looking for one of his eggs, which can be hijacked to eliminate him. The Dragon’s Nest offers a beautiful and bright landscape that has seen better days, especially since the dragon took up residence here and destroyed the few bridges, buildings and temples that remained. This is an ideal mission to show you the creativity brought to the fights and movements, as well as the new Gore Weapons that players will obtain by achieving eliminations that will make Shadow Warrior 3 an exhilarating experience.


The Shadow Warrior series has always worked on the principle that a handgun like the katana should not be considered a last resort when running out of ammo, but rather a devastating option in the arsenal of the player who uses it. forces them to approach to deal terrible blows to the demons. The new game picks up on this mechanic in several ways. In particular, you will have the possibility of developing your katana to master new attacks, and the way you eliminate an enemy will have an influence on the resources obtained. Killing a demon with a katana will earn you ammo for your ranged weapons, while killing it with a gun will restore enough health to get back into melee. It’s a rather amusing vicious circle, which will encourage the player to alternate between blades and balls with each confrontation.


The action that characterizes today’s shooters is taken up a notch with the addition of executions at the end of hard-fought battles. In Shadow Warrior 3, we decided to go one step further by offering Gore Weapons as a reward, a feature that allows you to snatch a tool of destruction from an enemy and turn them against the horde for a period of time. You can eliminate almost any enemy in the game this way in order to get a Gore Weapon or a bonus to trigger when the time is right.


We know that every self-respecting space marine or demon hunter these days has a grappling hook, so we didn’t want to break that rule. However, in Shadow Warrior 3, we believe this accessory provides greater freedom of movement, allowing players to get out of a sticky situation or clean up the battle arena. The grappling hook will let you dash and swing across the arena, zoom in on a demon to kick it in the chest, or hit explosive barrels in questionable locations to do it all. to jump. If you add wall runs and slides, players will quickly be able to spin around the arena to surprise their enemies.

The Flying Wild Hog team designed Shadow Warrior 3 as the next evolution in the series to give players more freedom in the midst of the chaos they will generate. You’ll love switching between katana, shuriken launcher and railgun before executing an enemy to end the fight with a bang. Run up walls, swing over precipices, and bring down a 2,000-year-old bell tower on the demons below for more action.

Thank you for taking the time to experience some of the fun that awaits you in Shadow Warrior 3. If you want to dive into the first two games, you’ll get them for free by pre-ordering Shadow Warrior 3 on PlayStation Store.

For latecomers, shadow warrior is he available in physics from €39.00 on for the record it is offered with digital pre-orders on PS4 and Xbox One.

Read also: PlayStation Now: new features for February 2022 revealed

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