PlayStation will ‘always’ be interested in creating narrative and single-player games, says studio head – The Last of Us

Recently, PlayStation acquired Haven Studios. The studio, led by Assassin’s Creed veteran Jade Raymond, aims to create a game with ” a modern multiplayer experience “. Several weeks ago, PlayStation also acquired Bungie, known for the Destiny multiplayer license.

As a result, many questions arise about the future of the Japanese firm and its trajectory in terms of video games: Players will only be entitled to titles with a strong multiplayer dimension, from now on? What about essential narrative productions? Hermen Hulst, the head of PlayStation Worldwide Studios, spoke about it.

Indeed, journalists from the site recently interviewed Hermen Hulst. On the future of narrative and single-player games, he said, ” Obviously, we will always continue to create these narrative games, [se jouant] single-player, such as Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, and Horizon Forbidden West. Subsequently, he added: “We will continue to do what we have always done “.

However, PlayStation will also be interested in titles with a multiplayer dimensionbecause : ” It allows us to build bigger worlds, it allows us to create really meaningful social connections between players “.

As a result, players on PlayStation consoles will have the right to narrative games, to be played solo, but also to multiplayer titles. There should, therefore, be something for everyone.

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