Plus belle la vie: is Boher linked to the Mistral collapse affair? This surprising discovery sows doubt

In the next episodes of “Plus belle la vie, even plus belle”, Jean-Paul Boher will make a discovery that could change everything in his investigation into the collapse of the Mistral.

It has now been several days in Plus belle la vie, even plus belle that Samuel (Inaki Lartigue) and Boher (Stéphane Hénon) investigate a body found in the rubble of the old buildings on Place du Mistral.

And the more their investigation progresses, the more the leads multiply. This Thursday, May 30, the police discovered the presence of a safe belonging to Abdel in the cellar in which the victim was.

With the help of Zoé, who put her burglary skills to good use, Jean-Paul managed to open it. Inside, he discovered numerous files on Abdel’s clients as well as a necklace with a white jade pendant in the shape of an angel.

Unfortunately, neither the police nor Barbara understand the meaning of this necklace. This appears to be a false lead.

In the hope of moving the investigation forward, Samuel and Jean-Paul set about analyzing the files in the safe. And according to a extract from episode 107 of More beautiful life, even more beautiful, Boher will make a discovery that is surprising to say the least.

Is Boher linked to the case?

By looking at the files, Jean-Paul discovers that he knows one of Abdel’s clients. Olivier Delpierre is in fact the father of the little boy who harassed his daughter Lucie. Samuel thinks it may be a homonym but Jean-Paul is sure that is not the case.

This man had called on Abdel Fedala for a case of unfair dismissal. He filed a complaint against Vanessa Kepler, and it was Ulysse who defended him. Jean-Paul wants to explore this avenue.

Samuel, however, has doubts; he does not see the link with their investigation. “In any case there is no link between all these files, we have to pull the thread somewhere”, Jean-Paul retorts.

Samuel fears that his colleague is mixing everything up. But Boher finds the coincidence quite “crazy”. For Samuel, Jean-Paul was shaken to learn that his daughter was being harassed. “You’re talking nonsense there, I fixed the problem”, protests the police officer. “Delpierre spoke to his son and it’s settled”. Jean-Paul therefore ends up calling Maître Kepler to find out more about this complaint.

Will this new lead allow the police to resolve this investigation? One thing is certain, according to the short summaries of the next episodes, “a sad bond unites Boher and Vanessa Kepler”.

What is this link? And why did the victim try to open Abdel’s safe? Answer in the next episodes of Plus belle la vie, even plus belle and in preview on the TF1+ platform.

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