[Podcast] We do not travel the same since Instagram

[En partenariat avec Numerama] In this new episode of Brave New World, the France Culture program which puts the future up for debate, the question arises of the upheaval of tourism by Instagram.

Our lives take on other colors under the filters of Instagram, the social network where happiness is king, and this is particularly the case with our tourist getaways. But travels have always been staged: travelogues, photo albums, etc. What does Instagram change to this narration? Is the network promoting mass tourism, mimicry, using influencers and big data? And if, conversely, Instagram could perhaps promote ethical tourism?

These questions are asked in this new episode of Brave New World, Numerama’s partner program on France Culture. This program is available as a podcast on listening platforms — Deezer, Spotify, Apple — as well as on the France Culture website..

Brave New World, in partnership with Numerama.

Our holidays under the influence?

To discuss the metamorphosis of tourism under the influence of Instagram, François Saltiel received in this episode:

  • Saskia Cousinanthropologist, professor of sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre and co-author with Bertrand Réau of Sociology of tourism (Ed. La Découverte, 2016), also coordinator of the issue Tourism and Pandemics of the magazine Mondes du tourisme published in December 2021.
  • Cyril Blanchetdoctoral student in information and communication sciences, specialist in digital changes in tourism
  • Nicolas de Dianousassociate director of We Like Travel, communication agency specializing in the tourism sector

At the end of the show, find the Numerama chronicle (50:03′): Marie Turcan deciphers the role of Dubai as a center of digital tourism.

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