Pokéclicker, V Rising, 60 Seconds!… These new games that are a hit on Twitch!

The Twitchosphere has been very active lately. and many games have appeared in the trends of the streaming platform. While the presence of V Rising among the most watched games is not surprising, those of the new trending PokéClicker and the revenant 60 Seconds! are more unusual, but that does not displease us. Let’s discover together these games that are currently hitting Twitch!

V Rising

The new game from Stunlock Studios has all the ingredients for a good survival: crafting, survival, epic battles and… vampires! Twilight fans rejoice, the gameplay is very faithful to the life (or death) of a vampire. First of all, the vampire status makes it almost impossible to stay in the light in broad daylight, which will make exploration and farming much more complicated during the daytime phases. In addition, the construction of your “base” is central in the game, in order to extend your influence and why not become the king of vampires!

The game, available since the day before yesterday in the early access category of Steam, has therefore unsurprisingly met with great success on Twitch. Despite the saturation of many V Rising servers, many FR streamers (like Tonton for example) have also succumbed to the charm of the game, pushing it to the top of the trends of the streaming platform.


It’s this week’s Twitch phenomenon. The principle of PokéClicker is quite simple, it is enough, as its name indicates it so well, to click (with its mouse) in order to capture Pokémon, make them level up, make them fight etc… The gameplay more than addictive is punctuated by cave explorations, arena fights or other activities that can be done in cities. What makes the charm of the game, which appeared out of nowhere, is its accessibility and above all the fact that it is possible to continue playing almost forever since there is no “end”.

Ponce, Shiseyu, and many other streamers from the Twitch FR sphere have tried it and had a hard time stopping. Like what, the PokéClicker hype is well launched and it is far from stopping!

V Rising

60 Seconds!

Released in 2015, the principle of the game is simple, but very addictive. Players must, within 60 seconds, collect as much food as possible before a deadly nuclear explosion. Thereafter, they must survive the most days (or until they are rescued) with the food and items they have gathered before. The gameplay revolves around a family of four: Ted, Mary-Jane, Dolores and Timmy. When both parents have died of hunger, thirst or otherwise, the game is over.

The Twitch FR sphere has completely taken over the game 60 Seconds! At the origin of the trend is Michou who, a few weeks ago, streamed the game, thus reviving the hype that video game production had already known a few years ago thanks to YouTubers (Pewdiepie, Markiplier,… ). Since then, almost all the big FR streamers have tried it: Inoxtag, Antoine Daniel, Amine, Domingo, Jussetain, and many others are coming, because the hype has only just begun!

V Rising

You got it right, there won’t be anything to get bored on Twitch for the next few weeks. While new game releases are very rare, so it would seem that streamers are turning to classics sometimes forgotten, but very effective with their viewers.


The famous mustachioed streamer returned to Fortnite during this season when it became possible to play “without constructions”. Dr. Disrespect even organizes its own competition on the Battle Royale, with 100,000 dollars in cashprize.

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