Pokémon HOME Arceus and DEPS: 2.0 compatibility is coming sooner than you think!


Pokemon HOME Update 2.0 long-awaited game that will see the storage app jump to a new dimension by adding Pokémon Sparkling Diamond, Sparkling Pearl, and Pokémon Legends Arceus to the list of compatible games is near. This is also the subject of this news since The Pokémon Company has announced a date for HOME maintenance.

Maintenance to prepare Pokémon HOME 2.0?

We had already told you about this announcement concerning the arrival of compatibility with the latest licensed games and there was not a lot of time to wait before the announcement of the maintenance which will prepare all the new features that you can find in the dedicated article below.

The wait was long, but the good news is there. The update that all Pokémon fans have been waiting for on the HOME app is coming very soon. Although no date is announced, we have some details provided by The Pokémon Company’s official press release on this subject.

Pokémon HOME 2.0: When will the maintenance take place?

Regarding the maintenance date, it is very close since it will take place tonight, from midnight UTC (so 2 ​​hours for us) and it should last 6 hours so you will have to wait at least 8 am on Wednesday, May 18 to have access to version 2.0 of the application. Be careful, however, since it is also specified that the now can last until Thursday at 3 a.m.

In any case, you will have to be patient and if you want to use Pokémon HOME, do it today otherwise you will have to wait for the end of the maintenance. To make it clearer, here is the maintenance summary.

  • Maintenance scheduled for May 18, 2022 from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • The maintenance may last until Thursday, May 19 at 3 a.m.

And there you have it, now you just have to download version 2.0.0 of Pokémon HOME on your smartphone and your Nintendo Switch then you can transfer your creatures from Pokémon Arceus Legends or Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl to the storage application. In the meantime, you can always discover our guides on the latest title of the license available if you need them.


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