Pokémon Legends Arceus: That Kind of Scary Moment!

Available since January 28, 2022 on Nintendo Switch, Legends Pokémon Arceus completely breaks the gameplay codes established by the license for more than 25 years. Fall damage, creatures that directly attack the trainer, surprising spatio-temporal distortions or red-eyed Barons : this opus taking place in the past of Sinnoh is terribly far from the childish aspect that we often stick on Pokémon games. Attention, we are far from a horror or survival game but we must admit that LPA will have made us jump more than once! This is also the case for some Internet users on Reddit who remembered their worst fears in the game.

Scary Moments in Pokémon Legends Arceus

When a space-time warp activates right in the same place as you for the first time, the shock is there. With a strange music background and dark colors, many trainers were afraid when exploring the first faults. It must be said that it is a bit surprising to see rare Pokémon appear instantly under this purple dome and rush at it to attack you. The worst will of course remain the multitudes of abilities like Ultralaser or Deflagration whose animations have been revisited for a superb rendering in the overworld.

Normal Pokemon are worse than Barons?

This is probably what terrified the most players during their first hours of play. creatures that rush at you without warning or the ghosts that suddenly appear next to you. And what about the noise when our character doesn’t have many life points left? Here are some examples :

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And you, what was the scariest moment of your adventure on Pokémon Legends Arceus? Feel free to share stories in the comments. In the meantime, you can always check out our full game walkthrough if you need any help.


What if all the mascots of the eight generations of Pokémon finally had a biological link with Pikachu? That’s what the Arceus Pokédex seems to indicate.

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