Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The new Pokémon Mordudor wants your money

The output of Pokemon Scarlet and Purple is fast approaching since all that remains is to wait a good ten days before discovering the open world of Paldéa. Before that, The Pokemon Company and Game Freak continue to introduce us to the new Pokémon of this generation, and after the Toutombe doggo, it’s the Mordudor chest’s turn to shine the category of Ghost-type Pokémon.

Less Dangerous Than Souls Trap Chests, But Still

This very special Pokémon will be available in these two episodes in two different forms. The most common, the Trunk shape, will allow it to blend in with the decor and deceive travelers hungry for money. It is also found in Walking formsmaller and more vulnerable, which escapes easily when a Trainer or Trainer is nearby.

Here are the characteristics of Mordudor (Chest Form):

  • Category : Treasure Chest Pokémon
  • Kind : Spectrum
  • Cut : 0.3m
  • Weight : 5kg
  • talent: Phobic
  • Description : Mordudor ambushes people and Pokémon that approach him. He then uses his spectral energy to control his targets and force them to collect coins. Mordudor prefers isolated places to hide, such as warehouses or back shops with little traffic. This tactic allows it to keep people and Pokémon in its grip for as long as possible.

Pokemon Scarlet and Purple will be released exclusively for Nintendo Switch on November 18. Do not hesitate to consult our last preview to know more about the game.

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