Poland wants to welcome young Israeli visitors, but without armed guards

Poland is ready to welcome groups of young Israeli tourists again, provided they are not accompanied by armed guards, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday (October 18th).

We are ready for the return of Israeli excursions to Poland, if these are not accompanied by armed security detachments that behave inappropriately in Poland“, what “encroaches on our sovereignty“, said Lukasz Jasina, quoted by the PAP agency.

Educational trips

He was thus reacting to the remarks of the Israeli ambassador in Warsaw Yacov Livne who had deplored last week that these groups could no longer visit, in particular, former Nazi extermination camps “because of decisions taken by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs“. These are educational trips organized by the Israeli Ministry of Education for secondary school students, which were suspended last June.

Israel in turn calls Poland an ‘illiberal state’

Interviewed by a regional radio station in Lublin, Lukasz Jasina underlined that this type of protective device is not used in other countries visited by young Israelis, such as France or Germany, thus being able to give the impression that these visitors are in greater danger in Poland than elsewhere. The Israeli ambassador is due to visit the headquarters of the Polish Foreign Ministry on Wednesday to discuss this issue and seek a solution.

SEE ALSO – Germany says issue of war reparations to Poland ‘closed’

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