Pôle emploi alert on an act of cyber-maliciousness and a theft of data

Is this the consequence of a computer hack? And if so, what kind? Pôle emploi does not extend at this stage on the technical details related to what is qualified as “act of cyber-maliciousness”.

The cybersecurity event does not concern the integrity of the agency’s IT system, but that of one of its service providers. In his press release, his identity is not specified. In Paris, Pôle emploi indicates however that it is Majorel.

Up to 10 million registrants affected?

The company is involved in the digitization and processing of documents transmitted by job seekers. Through an act of cyber-maliciousness, a third party therefore stole personal data.

“The first and last name and the social security number are affected by this malicious act. The e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, passwords and bank details are not, however, affected by this leak”, says know Pôle emploi.

Who is concerned ? Potentially, these are job seekers registered in February 2022 and former users of Pôle emploi. Without further details. In total, 10 million subscribers could be affected by data theft.

The administration ensures that there is no risk on compensation and support for the unemployed, or on access to their personal space on the pole-emploi.fr site. The stolen data could, however, be exploited for targeted phishing attacks.

Investigation to identify the origin of the attack

Consequently, “Pôle emploi advises job seekers to remain vigilant against any type of approach or proposal that could appear fraudulent.”

Investigations are underway at the service provider to find out the origin of the cybersecurity incident. In accordance with the GDPR, Pôle emploi indicates that it has notified the Cnil of the personal data breach. A complaint will also be filed.

“All the teams of Pôle emploi and its service provider are mobilized on the security of the data entrusted by jobseekers and companies. This is a constant concern of Pôle emploi, which will continue to strengthen its protection systems, procedures and instructions. , with regard to this type of event”, concludes Pôle emploi.

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