Police looking for group – drunk man beaten and pushed over embankment

An “unexplained fall” has been bothering the police in Kufstein in Tyrol since Friday evening. A very drunk German (22) was apparently attacked by some men and pushed over a bridge railing. The man allegedly remained unconscious on the embankment for a short time and then went himself to the hospital.

The incident occurred on Friday between 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. in the area of ​​the Inn Bridge at Raiffeisenstrasse 1. “The heavily drunk German was approached by a group of around four to five male people unknown to him, physically attacked and then attacked by two men from this group “He was pushed over the bridge railing into the approximately seven meter sloping embankment, where he remained unconscious for a short time,” the police say. He even went to the hospital. The German then drove home for the time being and then went to the district hospital in Kufstein because of the pain was hospitalized due to the severity of the injuries. “The course of events has not yet been completely clarified,” said the executive. Further investigations are underway. The police are asking for useful information (Tel.: 059133 / 7210).Description of the suspected perpetrators. At least two of the four to five male people are said to be between 19 and 23 years old and around 180 centimeters tall. They were of strong stature, had dark hair and a three-day beard. According to the alleged victim, they are of southern descent and spoke German with an accent.
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