Police try to find out the identity of a corpse with a tattoo

Police ask for help
Who knows this tattoo?

This tattoo is on the back of the alleged murder victim. Who will recognize them again?


A woman’s body was found in Freudenstadt at the beginning of September and her identity is still unclear. A video from the TV station RTL shows that the police are now asking for the help of the population with pictures of tattoos.

On September 11, around 1 p.m., a mushroom picker found the body of a woman in a forest near Bundesstraße 28 near Freudenstadt in Baden-Württemberg. Police and prosecutors assume a violent crime based on the injury pattern. But the identity of the woman is still unclear, which is why the police have now published pictures of the tattoos and a phantom image of the woman’s face.

Tattoo on woman’s corpse – police ask for information from the population

According to the police, the woman was said to have been very young, but at least 20 years old. The eye-catching tattoo is on the victim’s back. The police are investigating and for even more clarity regarding the crime and the identity of the young woman, the police are now hoping for clues from the population. You can find out what the phantom image and the tattoo look like in the video.

Source used: RTL.de


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