Police wanted for feminicide: the police had already intervened for violence in the couple

Lhe police officer Arnaud B., 29, stationed in Blanc-Mesnil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, is still actively wanted this Saturday. Last night, the body of his 28-year-old companion was found dead in the studio rented by the peacekeeper in the 19and district of Paris. The apartment was described as a mess, including empty liquor bottles found on the bed and on the windowsill.

According to judicial sources, the causes of death are not apparent and an autopsy of the victim must be performed this Saturday. The Paris public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation in flagrante delicto for intentional homicide of a partner entrusted to the 2and DPJ, the judicial police of the police headquarters.

Already questioned in 2019

Implicated by a former companion in 2019 for domestic violence, the peacekeeper had benefited from an alternative to prosecution which required him to follow an awareness course on the danger of domestic violence, according to a judicial source.

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On June 9, 2021, the police of the district had already gone to the home of the couple, located rue David-d’Angers, for violence. An altercation had taken place between Arnaud B. and his companion; the peacekeeper had himself requested his colleagues. During this intervention, the young woman was moved by recurrent violence from her partner. She didn’t want to file a complaint.

Suicide attempt in 2019

The search notice issued by the judicial police mentions a peacekeeper on the run with his service weapon. He could be driving his vehicle, a white Peugeot 208. He would have had contact with his father. His cell phone sends directly to his voicemail.

Before joining the Blanc-Mesnil police station, Arnaud B. was assigned to the territorial traffic and road safety company of Seine-Saint-Denis (CTCSR). In September 2018, a police officer from this service killed herself. At that time, the management of human resources at CTCSR 93 was known to be brutal. Arnaud B. had attempted suicide after a breakup. He had been hospitalized in a psychiatric unit of a hospital in Seine-et-Marne.

Following this event, a former colleague told the Point “that the administration has always kept an eye on him”. “After being disarmed for a while, he was allowed to take back his weapon. He joined the Blanc-Mesnil police station. But was a psychiatric follow-up set up after his TS? asks a trade unionist.

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