Political chaos brings back humorous diversions on Twitter (X)

In the midst of the political disorder in which France has been plunged for several days, some still find the right word to ease the pressure, if only for a few seconds, without losing sight of the fight against the National Rally’s accession to power.

Now is not the time for laughter. The National Rally, formerly the National Front, came well ahead of the European elections in France, and could well repeat the operation during the early legislative elections announced by surprise by President Macron on the evening of June 9.

So what ? We stand up, we inform ourselves, we fight. Citizens are mobilizing, political figures are joining forces, making concessions. From Poutou to Glucksmann, the left says it is standing up (popular).

Instagram, Twitter and TikTok are becoming weapons of awareness – we are talking in particular about “edits”, supercharged montages glorifying candidates, which HuffPost recently analyzed. These platforms also allow citizens to take a step back from the sometimes lunar scenes that unfold before their eyes.

Here is a selection of the few comments and memes which, if they make you smile, also remind you of the extent to which recent events are surprising and unprecedented in the last decades of French politics.


Eric Ciotti locked in his office

The alliance of Eric Ciotti (ex?) boss of the Republicans group, with the National Rally, is enough to give you chills. The adventures that followed made more than one observer hallucinate.

The politician close to the ideas of the extreme right put himself on display in his office, refusing to leave office even after being dismissed by his peers. It was enough for some to divert the codes of so-called “mockumentary” series like The Office Or Veep to support the comic effect of the situation.

Crisis at LR: Did Valérie Pécresse slap Eric Ciotti? » If we still doubted that France was plunged into a new chaotic space-time, this title of an article from Libération allows us to be sure. Did she come to blows? The article doesn’t say this firmly. The duo, however, gave rise to several comments, amazed by the staging of the arrival of the president of the Île-de-France region at the Republican HQ.

Source: X/tintinadesSource: X/tintinades
Source: X/tintinades
Source: X/_dmntSource: X/_dmnt
Source: X/_dmnt

Another small success: the appearance of EELV MP Sandrine Rousseau, while Éric Ciotti spoke in front of the BFMTV cameras, in front of the headquarters of the Les Républicains party, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.

Source: X/Le_TremaSource: X/Le_Trema
Source: X/Le_Trema
Source: X/Monty_Brogan69Source: X/Monty_Brogan69
Source: X/Monty_Brogan69

The explosion of the French right

More broadly, it is the internal war within the Republican group that is captivating.

Source: X/desespriteSource: X/desesprite
Source: X/desesprite
Source: X/Nini_MacBrightSource: X/Nini_MacBright
Source: X/Nini_MacBright

Hanouna promises to leave if the left wins

LFI in power, I’m leaving, that’s for sure, it’s sure and certain. » This threat took on the appearance of a promise for many opponents of Cyril Hanouna, the host of the show Do not touch My TV on C8, close to Vincent Bolloré, who has rolled out the red carpet to the main actors of the far right on his set for years.

Source: X/Afrodite_AmourSource: X/Afrodite_Amour
Source: X/Afrodite_Amour
Source: X/Maitre_EolasSource: X/Maitre_Eolas
Source: X/Maitre_Eolas

Swimming in the Seine, aborted

This was Anne Hidalgo’s promise. Potentially, Emmanuel Macron himself was to accompany him. The elected officials had to swim in the Seine on June 23, 2024, in order to prove that it was suitable for the Olympic Games (spoiler: this is not the case). On June 12, however, the mayor of Paris announced that this dip would be postponed “ after the legislative elections “.

Some immediately remembered the false move “ shit in the Seine » (our colleague from Arrêt sur Images clearly recalled how this joke spread in the media until some people really believed it).

Source: X/GwennPetrichorSource: X/GwennPetrichor
Source: X/GwennPetrichor
Source: X/MarionLpzSource: X/MarionLpz
Source: X/MarionLpz

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