Pomegranate juice: hype or miracle cure? The truth behind the superfood

Pomegranate juice
Hype or miracle cure? The truth behind the superfood


The juicy trend: The red drink is said to have healing properties – a health miracle or just a myth?

Pomegranate juice in focus: health booster or pure marketing ploy? You can find out what the trendy drink can really do here.

Is it really a superfood or just a clever marketing tool? Pomegranate juice, often touted as a miracle potion, is at the center of numerous health claims. But what is really behind it?

Pomegranate juice: superfood or super myth?

Pomegranate juice is often praised for its potential health benefits. But are these claims based on science? In the video, we share the knowledge of an expert to find out whether the hype about pomegranate juice is really justified and what facts lie behind its potential health benefits.

Source used: Vogue.de


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