Poppins joins forces with Ubisoft to create the first therapeutic game for dyslexics

Neurodevelopmental disorders with multiple manifestations, dys disorders still find it difficult to be treated today. But Poppins, a French start-up wishing to promote their access to care, has joined forces with Ubisoft with the aim of creating the first therapeutic video game for children suffering from these disorders. This is how the project was born Poppinswhich has already obtained some results at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital.

The goal of this program is to allow children to improve their skills while having fun. Each day, they can use the application for 20 minutes, 10 of which are devoted to written language. During these sessions, 4 main areas are worked on. Listening, reading, writing and comprehension. The other 10 minutes are devoted to rhythm with musical games. This improves brain connections between visual, auditory and motor areas. And to maintain the fun side, the child’s progress is rewarded with cosmetic elements in the game.

At the cost of 3 to 5 sessions per week, the results are there. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders see their phonology improve. After 5 years of development and studies, Poppins seems confident that its program created with Ubisoft can help these young people. Solution which would allow faster treatment by health organizations. It would no longer be necessary to wait 12 to 24 months to begin medical procedures. However, all this comes at a cost, and Poppins prices are divided between 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up.

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