The Popular Primary is this initiative taken by a few left-wing activists 18 months ago, who said to themselves that the only way to win the 2022 presidential election was to have a candidate (and only one) behind whom all the political families to the left of La République en Marche. A reasoning that stands, which has a historical precedent, the Common Program which had allowed François Mitterrand to be winner in 1981.
An electronic vote
Neither one nor two, the initiators of the Popular Primary created an association, then a second to raise funds. They created an Office, in fact the management body of this structure, and then an Orientation Council, and then a Council of Parties, and then a Policy and Partnership Department, in short, they did everything like the greats, even if they are in reality only 18 permanent. Well, no big deal, it’s serious, it’s buzzing, and it led to the drafting of a common Base (Base with a capital letter, it’s the founding document), which includes ten chapters and dozens of proposals that the winner of the popular Primary must commit to. This Primary takes place at the end of next week, registrations will be closed this weekend.
Voting will be electronic. It is now a fairly simple process to set up. But beware, it will not be a classic vote, but a preferential ballot. That is to say that each voter will be able to classify their choices in order of preference, and all that will be placed under the control of a High Authority for Voting Control (HACV), but yes, designated we do not know how and controlling we don’t know what. And that’s not the only quirk of this popular Primary. The strangest thing is that the organizers assumed the right to put on the ballot papers the names of candidates who stubbornly and definitively refuse to appear there. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot reject this entire approach, like Anne Hidalgo who finally, after two or three reversals, aligned with this position.
A very left-wing program
Too bad, say the organizers, we maintain your candidacy. Big anger from La France Insoumise and the Greens, who threaten and put pressure, but for the moment in vain. It’s incredible, but here it is: this popular Primary will perhaps designate a candidate who does not want to defend the program of this funny band of activists. A program firmly rooted on the left, very on the left, with the return to peasant agriculture, a minimum income for all young people from the age of 18, a free water, electricity and gas quota for all, the return (in choice) to retire at 60, or at 32 hours or at the 4-day week, and then of course, an increase in income tax for wealthy households and the restoration of the ISF?
Yes, but not a mediocre little ISF, no: a wealth tax multiplied by 3 or 5: up to 20 billion euros. Indeed, it is clearly on the left. But after all, why don’t all the candidates on the left lend themselves to the game? Because they have already been nominated as their party’s official candidate (sometimes already with a primary, like Yannick Jadot), because they do not want to hide behind other candidates and withdraw their candidacy, because they have there are a lot of differences between them, and because they don’t want to tie their hands and force themselves to apply the Common Base.
Taubira, big favorite
It is said that the favorite is Christiane Taubira, who is very close to the organizers and is even suspected of having an affair with them. In any case, she is clearly counting on this Primary to give momentum to her late entry into the campaign. But the latest rumor is that the activists of La France Insoumise are registering en masse to win Jean-Luc Mélenchon. That would be clever: he denounces, but he emerges victorious. A final nail in the coffin of this Primary’s credibility.
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