Portal: Cubic Collection, the Switch port of Portal and Portal 2 is out today on Nintendo Switch!

Even though the 2 Portal are classics, perhaps not everyone has taken the time to discover them yet. It’s well known, the Nintendo Switch is the ideal console to discover or rediscover the games of yesteryear from a sofa or on the go, and that’s why Valve decided to combine them into Portal: Cubic Collection.


This compilation also called Portal: Companion Collection had been confirmed last February for a release in 2022, and returns to the front of the stage on the occasion of the Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase. In addition to a video with gameplaywe were able to discover the announcement of a more than pleasing release date: Portal: Cubic Collection will be available today on theeShop !

The price has not yet been communicated, but it should normally be quite accessible. This edition will allow for memory to play Portal 2 in local co-op in split-screen or online.

Update : Portal: Cubic Collection is now available for €18.99 on theeShop.

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