Positive for Covid, she gives birth in an emergency and spends two months in intensive care without seeing her son


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Tested positive for Covid-19 and in critical condition, a 27-year-old mother remained in intensive care for two months after giving birth by cesarean section.

Two months that must have seemed endless. The story of Jessica, a young woman of 27, is as heartbreaking as it is touching. While she is near the end of her pregnancy, the mother-to-be tested positive for Covid-19 after having contracted certain symptoms. Over the days, his state of health deteriorated sharply. Driving to the emergency room, Jessica is far from imagining what awaits her: “Until now, I was not worried, I am in good health […]. But there, I read in their eyes that it was necessary to hurry “, she told our colleagues from Parisian. The doctors then made a decision to save the baby: the cesarean delivery.

Unfortunately, the young mother did not have time to see her son, alive and in good health. Then in respiratory failure, Jessica immediately left for intensive care under the panicked gaze of her husband. The next two months will then be a huge black hole for the 27-year-old, whom she will not remember. “Since I didn’t see him, I had a hard time telling myself that it was my baby. For me, it was a baby”, she confided, full of emotions. Opening her eyes at the end of September, the mother realized that she had been away for almost two months.

“I feel very guilty”

It’s the start of a long period of acclimatization for Jessica. In two months, the baby has already grown well and maternal ties have not been created. Still fragile, the mother was not allowed to see her family until mid-October. Already the mother of a 5-year-old boy, Théo, the 27-year-old woman had a hard time recognizing her second child: “It’s horrible but I was only thinking of Théo. I feel very guilty, he doesn’t did not deserve that “, she added in the columns of the Parisian. It was finally at the beginning of November that the first contact was established between the young Thibault and his mother: “There I felt his mother. He was smiling at me as if he knew who I was”, she said. A beautiful moment of complicity after this severe ordeal.

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