Postponement of the retirement age to 65: “I find it extremely unfair”, reacts Yannick Jadot

Solene Delinger
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9:22 a.m., March 10, 2022

Yannick Jadot was the guest of the presidential meeting this Thursday morning on Europe 1. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the EELV presidential candidate reacted to Emmanuel Macron’s desire to gradually extend the starting age retired at age 65. He felt that this measure was “extremely unfair”.


Government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirmed this Thursday morning that candidate Macron will propose in his program a gradual extension of the retirement age to 65. Invited to the microphone of Europe 1, the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot considered that this measure was “extremely unfair”, in particular for long careers and for those who “worked the hardest”.

Putting hardship back at the heart of pension schemes

“We are in a country where one in two people who activate their pension rights are no longer working,” says Yannick Jadot at the microphone of Dimitri Pavlenko. “We are in a country where the work of seniors is very badly treated. Our country has one of the lowest activity rates for seniors”. For the environmentalist candidate, companies are partly responsible for this situation because they do not invest in training and in the development of professions. “I will initiate a pension reform to put hardship back at the heart of pension schemes”, promises Yannick Jadot.

“There is a deep inequality between workers and managers. A worker has ten years less life expectancy. Emmanuel Macron has removed the criteria of arduousness. This has trivialized suffering at work, “he laments . According to Yannick Jadot, this measure proposed by the head of state, presidential candidate, is a “leak forward from the right”, to which “he very clearly belongs”. “It’s a real measure of social injustice and contempt for the hard working people in this country.”

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