Power of habit: Why "from tomorrow" is guaranteed not to work

From tomorrow do you do everything better? We also! Just like from yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday … We reveal here why this "tomorrow" usually becomes a "never".

"From tomorrow I will eat a lot of vegetables", "from tomorrow I will do sport every day", "from tomorrow I will finally say no" – Well, in which of the three statements do you find yourself? And if it's a fourth thing: Almost everyone has already made this notorious "From tomorrow everything will be better" resolution – and has probably crashed more than once.

In his work with binge eaters, people who frequently have binge eating, the psychologist Glenn Livingston has identified several reasons and shared in the portal "Psychologytoday" why the "tomorrow" in this resolution usually becomes a "never". And as is so often the case with mental disorders: Much of this can also be transferred to "slightly" toxic habits or behavior.

5 reasons why nothing is guaranteed to get better from tomorrow

1. "Tomorrow" never comes

No matter how convinced we are that we really mean "tomorrow", in the end this little word in our intent primarily means: "not today" or "not now". So "tomorrow" quickly becomes "sometime" and "sometime" becomes "never" in the end. Because tomorrow this "tomorrow" from yesterday is also a "today" again and yesterday this "not today" has already worked fine …

2. With every further "today" it will be a little harder tomorrow

With every day that we cultivate a habit, it settles a little deeper in the basal ganglia of our brain. So it will be a little harder to quit smoking or sugar tomorrow than it is today. And if we don't make it today – how will it work tomorrow?

3. "From tomorrow" tempts us to enjoy "today" again

This is quite typical with diets: If we want to take it easy from tomorrow, we will have another big bite today and enjoy every single fatty and sugary bite. After that we either feel so bad that it affects our motivation, or we find so much pleasure and enjoyment in it that we are no longer so sure that we want to change something. In both cases, the following applies: We're just making it extra difficult for ourselves to change something from tomorrow.

4. Our lizard brain knows no "tomorrow"

We don't have such toxic habits as smoking, saying yes or eating sweets because we think they're sensible. We do not follow the instructions of our "rational" part of our brain, but regions that are ancient and that we share with animals such as lizards and rats. In these regions there is no "tomorrow", only "now". In order to penetrate into them and reprogram them, we have no choice but to start in the "now". Otherwise our rational will has no chance against our pea – sorry – lizard brain.

5. If "from tomorrow" works today, it works every day

As soon as we decide to change something "starting tomorrow", we usually feel a little better immediately. We are relieved, motivated and almost feel as if we have already solved the problem. Well, it can quickly turn into another toxic habit. Because if resolution helps and is good for you, why should we really change something – when it is so terribly exhausting?

Conclusion: If we really want to develop further in one point or to let go of something, we should start at the moment when we make the decision to do so – and if it is only a first small step. You can find background information and tips on how to change your habits in our article.