Power struggle breaks out – Trouble in Innsbruck: just the tip of the iceberg

The ÖVP dispute surrounding the economic coalition leader Johannes Anzengruber is apparently just one part of a much larger construction site: State Councilor for Economic Affairs Mario Gerber is now taking on party grandees!

State Governor Anton Mattle is said to have recently asked NR Franz Hörl to remain chairman of the economic association for a while, i.e. to run again in the WB election in 2024 in order to prevent a fight and backlash among his possible successors. They would be: EU parliamentarian Barbara Thaler, Chamber of Commerce President Christoph Walser (Hörl’s deputy), health LR Cornelia Hagele and economics LR Mario Gerber. Nightly email from GerberThe 66-year-old Hörl didn’t take long to ask and agreed. But this is now apparently causing LR Gerber’s career planning to be massively messed up: In a late-night email to his fellow campaigners, he announced that he also wanted to run for office. That would mean: fight vote! An irritating word for many black people. We recently saw where something like this can lead at the federal level during the SPÖ “friendly game” Doskozil against Babler. Will there now be a vote? Hörl has been head of the Economic Association since 2016. He has announced several times that two terms as chairman are enough, explained Gerber explained his motives on Monday. If things are different now, he will run against Hörl. Both emphasized that they had nothing against combat votes. WK President Walser warned against this. The leadership question was discussed unscheduled at a meeting last night. A political showdown could soon take place in Innsbruck. Here Johannes Anzengruber believes the economic association is behind him and announced that he wants to get into the ring at the city party conference against State Secretary Florian Tursky, i.e. against the likely joint top candidate from For Innsbruck and the city ÖVP for the local council election. Tursky at any priceBut parts of the ÖVP want it Apparently preventing Tursky at all costs, and Vice Anzengruber seems to be the means to an end. But why? It is rumored that a successful Mayor Tursky could subsequently move into state politics and – look up Herwig van Staa – could pose a threat to Mario Gerber, who is said to have ambitions for the state governor’s chair. This is scheduled to be up for discussion again in four years. “There is no member survey.” On Monday, rumors intensified that the joint ÖVP/FI election platform would be presented on Tuesday – and Tursky would be the top candidate at the same time. Anzengruber was once again at a state party executive committee on Monday after a long time. His boss Hörl made it clear: There is no member survey. And LH Mattle said: Running at the city party conference is ok, but the losing candidate must support the winner. But Anzengruber probably has other plans!
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