Powernap How to get fit in 20 minutes

What used to be the afternoon nap is now the power nap: The short nap has many positive effects on our health. You can find out all about it here!

What is a power nap?

Who does not know it? You come back to the office after your lunch break and actually want to work concentrated – but you just feel tired and weak. Many people are very productive until the morning, but from around 1 p.m. the energy level drops until the afternoon. On the other hand, a short nap helps – today many people call it a power nap. Various studies show that such a power nap has a positive effect on our health.

More power thanks to power napping!

A short nap has the following advantages for our health:

  • Performance increases
  • The ability to concentrate increases
  • higher productivity
  • Error rate drops
  • Response time improves
  • Mood improves

In addition, a regular power nap calms the nerves: Exhausting colleagues or a choleric boss are less likely to disturb us after a nap. Aside from these positive short-term effects, there are also long-term advantages: One study shows, for example, that the risk of a heart attack or stroke is reduced by up to 48 percent if you take an additional nap at noon once or twice a week.

Where do the positive effects of the power nap come from?

It has not yet been adequately researched why a short nap is so good for health and productivity. However, the biochemical processes that take place during sleep at night give an indication: We know that the brain not only processes the day during sleep, but also stores what it has learned in its memory, strengthens the immune system and initiates regeneration processes. Experts suspect similar processes during a short power nap. Because the longer we are awake, the more adenosine is released. This substance gets from the nerve cells into the intercellular space of the brain and makes us tired. During sleep, however, the adenosine retreats back into the cells, which makes us more alert and fitter.

In addition, the short nap actually seems to be something natural. For example, if people lived in bunkers without access to natural light during an experiment, they automatically fell asleep briefly after a few days at noon. They weren't even aware of the time. Retirees feel the same way with the Powernap: Since they can usually organize their day freely and no longer have to work at lunchtime, they often return to this rhythm without consciously controlling it and take a nap more often.

Step by step: How does the optimal power nap work?

Powernaps are not just powernaps: There are a few things to consider so that the afternoon nap is actually relaxing and we are not more tired than before. With these tips you will succeed in the optimal power nap:

1. Pay attention to the time

Experts are certain: for the short power nap to be truly relaxing, it must not last too long. 20 minutes is ideal – Researchers at Flinders University in Australia were able to prove that just ten minutes of power napping can have positive effects. Sleep should not last longer than 20 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of so-called REM sleep occurring. This deeper sleep phase ensures that most people tend to feel even more tired and sluggish when they wake up. Ideally, we take a nap shortly after lunch or in the early afternoon. Important: Anyone who suffers from insomnia should only have a power nap at noon, if at all. Because this reduces the so-called sleep pressure, which can make falling asleep more difficult at night.

2. The right sleeping environment

Many people are quite sensitive to their sleeping environment: they can only fall asleep in dark rooms and without disturbing noises. You can theoretically have a power nap anywhere, but precisely because it is so short, it shouldn't take too long to fall asleep. So it makes sense to yourself To look for a quiet environment in which you will not be disturbed during a power nap. Sitting comfortably or lying down also help. And: the temperature should be right. If you are too cold or too warm, it is usually not easy to fall asleep.

3. Protect your muscles

Especially if you sleep while sitting while having a power nap, you should be careful to protect your neck muscles. As a rule, the head simply tilts forward when falling asleep, which in the long run can lead to tension. Better: Use a classic neck pillow or at least lean your head against a scarf or jacket to protect your muscles.

4. Train to fall asleep quickly

So that you really don't spend longer than the ideal 20 minutes with the power nap, it is important to fall asleep as quickly as possible. But many people find that difficult: Either the current work stress is still in your head or the planning of the next big birthday. In order to be able to fall asleep better, many help various tricks that ensure that the body consciously comes to rest. For example, relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation are helpful. You can't learn these techniques overnight, but the effort is definitely worth it in the long term!

Despite day sleep: don't forget to sleep at night!

If you don't sleep well on a regular basis, you can no longer make do with a power nap in the long run. Even if you take regular naps during the day, you should get enough sleep at night! Most people need around seven to eight hours of sleep a night, some get by with less, others need more. The need for sleep is therefore individually different. The only thing that helps here is to try it out: if you feel fit and rested in the morning, you have slept enough. Instead, if you have trouble getting out of bed and suffer more from tiredness during the day, you should work on your sleep duration.

Sleep disorders: the great evil

In a sleep study carried out by Techniker Krankenkasse in 2017, around half of all respondents said they slept a maximum of six hours per night. A chronic sleep disorder not only reduces our performance, it also increases the risk of various diseases such as depression. Therefore, persistent sleep problems should by no means be taken lightly and should always be checked with a doctor for possible causes.

Reading tips: Do you want to get up early? These tricks will help you! We also reveal how valerian can help with sleep disorders and what chronotypes there are.

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