Praise from the Court of Auditors – role model thanks to active population & hemp plates

The national park community can look forward to an extremely positive report from the audit office.

The state audit office examined the municipality of Virgen and its energy measures as well as their economic impact. The result was positive, Virgen is even described in the report among small and financially weak communities as a model community in terms of energy efficiency and climate protection. Active participation is praised The East Tyroleans, who are also members of the climate alliance, laid the foundation for this with their catalog of measures, which was preceded by a broad-based survey of residents in 2018. At that time, 26 activities were included in the catalogue. “A number of projects such as the maintenance of the townscape or street lighting really came from the people of Virgen,” reports municipal secretary Raphael Lukasser. The active participation of the population is also praised by the Court of Audit, as well as innovative measures such as the insulation of the community center with hemp panels. The report suggests measures such as the expansion of hydropower, the use of LED lights and the conversion of community vehicles to fossil-free mobility to push further.
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