Prefer targeted help: Grimm speaks out against the price brake for heating oil

Prefer targeted help
Grimm speaks out against the price brake for heating oil

The “economic way” Grimm developed the gas price brake for the government, but rejects calls for price caps for other types of heating such as oil or pellets. The economist also considers bringing the gas price brake forward to January to be unrealistic.

The chairwoman of the gas price commission, Veronika Grimm, rejects the introduction of a general brake on heating costs. “You shouldn’t give the impression that the state can permanently absorb the increased energy costs for all citizens,” said the economist of the “Welt”. In addition to the gas price brake, the government can only think about additional targeted help for households.

It is not surprising that individual actors are trying to capitalize on the situation with demands for further, broad-based price brakes and price caps, said Grimm, with a view to pushing for additional relief for users of oil and pellet heating systems.

Grimm pointed out that gas is about a different dimension. “Consumers are receiving prices that have risen five to eight times. With other energy sources, we see the costs doubling or at most tripling for consumers,” said Grimm, who teaches economics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and as one of the so-called economic experts is a member of the Advisory Council.

Grimm rejected bringing forward the second stage of the gas price brake from March to January or February, as also demanded by some politicians. “The gas price brake will have to remain on March 1st as the start date,” she said. The suppliers would need the time to adapt their IT systems. “It’s no use if a few providers already make January 1st as the start date, they all have to be ready at the same time. Anything else would lead to upset and dissatisfaction among consumers.”

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