Pregnant Jasmin Wagner: Baby gender revealed as a birthday present

Pregnant Jasmin Wagner
Baby gender revealed as birthday present

It won’t be long before Jasmin Wagner can hold her first child in her arms.

© imago images/Chris Emil Janssen

Jasmin Wagner shared with the world the special and emotional way in which the gender of her first child was revealed.

Singer and presenter Jasmin Wagner (42), who celebrated great success as Blümchen in the 1990s, is currently looking forward to her big private highlight: the first baby. She is nine months pregnant and seems particularly pleased that it will be a girl.

“I didn’t think it would blow my mind that we would have a daughter,” she reveals in an interview with the magazine “Bunte”. “My girl is an incredible gift.” And the child’s father-to-be, a Danish entrepreneur, was obviously very touched by the news. Wagner says about him: “My partner and I both shed a few tears.”

For a long time only the gynecologist knew

Since it is the first child for both of them, the baby gender was probably of secondary importance. But of course Jasmin Wagner and her partner were curious. Nevertheless, they didn’t let the gynecologist tell them straight away.

“We decided beforehand that my gynecologist would write the gender on a piece of paper. It ended up in my wallet and was there for what felt like forever because we were looking for a special moment to unveil the secret. So we have it over and over postponed, friends and family were getting nervous,” she recalls. At some point they even thought about “being surprised at birth”.

But then everything turned out differently. Jasmin Wagner surprised her loved one with it on his birthday; since she was in the sixth month. “I wrapped the note in a mini gift,” she says.

An emotional moment

It must have been overwhelming, because: “Even if you know that it will be one or the other and deal with it mentally, it is even more emotional when you read it in black and white.”

In December 2021 she spoke to the magazine “Bunte” about her new love. In mid-July 2022, she revealed to the “Bild” newspaper that she was expecting a baby.


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