Prejudice: spoiled only child? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

Only children are precocious, spoiled, selfish. After all, they never had to fight so bitterly for the last gummy bear, share their beloved toys or wear the clothes as only siblings have to do. But are only children really as bad as their reputation?

If you believe common labels, you'd better avoid only children. After all, they always think of themselves first. And nobody can suffer egoists. Yes, it is clear that they cannot help it. The parents are always to blame. Anyone who falls by the wayside when it comes to social skills in early childhood development cannot become anything other than a mean smartass. Those are the ones who are already throwing life wisdom around at the tender age of three, who generally sit at the adult table at family celebrations and also otherwise let their cocky manner hang out at every opportunity. At least that's the reputation that precedes only children. But if you believe various studies, these are all unfounded prejudices

Nobody likes smart asses

Yes, they really do exist, precocious children who present anecdotes and facts from their world with weighty expressions, razor-sharp and precise in the tone and vocabulary of a 40-year-old. Objectively speaking, however, the reason is quite logical: children without siblings primarily talk to adults. In doing so, they take on the style of their parents' language. And that's actually not bad at all, it also means that such children can adapt well to other groups and new people.

But I want to! – Playing with only children is no fun

As soon as things don't go their way, they become stubborn. Well, a quality that probably applies to many children. In fact, most children generally prefer to play together rather than alone – especially only children who don't have a playmate at home. Precisely for this reason, as an only child, one is dependent on making new friends quickly, which often makes them the more sociable playmates in playgrounds, on vacation or in the outdoor pool. Incidentally, it has even been confirmed by psychologists: only children are very popular in groups and later also in cliques.

"MINE!" – Divide? A foreign word for only children

This advantage also persists. Studies have shown that only children are much more willing to compromise than siblings, who are always afraid of coming up short – be it with the fair distribution of sweets, as well as with the selection of the TV program. The use of elbows is essential among siblings. Only children, on the other hand, are easier to share. Sure, you don't have to do it all the time and you can just do it voluntarily. In general, only children are surprisingly good at mediating and are more often willing to take on responsibility. Especially when it comes to being responsible for your own mistakes. You don't have any siblings to blame.

Only children need constant attention

Only children do not have to share parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. It makes sense that they get more attention. Certainly also of a financial nature. Since the parents do not have to provide two or more children with clothes, pocket money and food, the money may be a little looser in one place or another. So spoiled brats after all? No, on the contrary! According to studies, only children are particularly independent and successful at work as adults.

Children come in different designs

If you discuss the topic with friends, everyone knows at least one only child to whom all negative character traits apply. Only in rare cases are siblings considered in this context. That just doesn't mean that we all like those who are always particularly nice, courteous and lovely. They can definitely be tough to the ten. It is clear that only children grow up under different conditions than siblings do. As a result, however, they are no longer or less anti-social. Basically, the parents are always to blame – both in one direction and the other.