Presidency of LR: an alliance with the RN or Zemmour would sound “the end”, considers Retailleau

The president of the LR group in the Senate, which aims for the presidency of the party, was the guest of France 2.

The campaign continues. After a busy weekend for the right, while the Young LR campus was held where Éric Ciotti and Bruno Retailleau went, the two candidates for the presidency of the party were invited to radio mornings this morning.

When asked whether LR could ultimately ally with the National Rally or Reconquest!, the party of Eric Zemmour, Bruno Retailleau is clear: “I think not. It would be the end, it would be the dilution.“The president of the LR group in the Senate estimates on France 2 that if the party”is content to place itself in opposition to Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen, [il] miss [son] appointment“. Before advocating a rightclear” and “which federates“.

SEE ALSO – “Emmanuel Macron has not proposed a government of national unity to Christian Jacob”, remarks Bruno Retailleau

At Figaro while announcing his candidacy, Bruno Retailleau indicated however that he would tend “always the hand to the voters of Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour“: “I will not resign myself to the fact that sincerely right-wing French people have left us.»

Also in our columns, his adversary, Éric Ciotti, believed that the “right-wing ideas” are “majority in the country but others have monopolized them, in the government as well as on the far right“. He concluded:I will refuse to accept for my part that we are plundered our ideas. When the right is right, there is no space for the far right and Macronist confusion.»

SEE ALSO – Some Republicans have gone to Emmanuel Macron, we can say that those who remain are the most opposed to him “according to Dinah Cohen

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