Presidency: Raffarin wants the end of the limit to two consecutive terms

Guest of TV5 Monde, the former Prime Minister defended a revision of the Constitution authorizing the president to chain more than two terms.

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“JI think we have to come back to this idea where we prevent the president from representing himself, ”said Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Guest Friday, December 9 of the show Facing the territories on TV5 Monde, in partnership with the Nice-Matin group, West France and 20 minutes, an intervention spotted by Le Figaro, the former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac expressed his opinion concerning the ban on chaining more than two consecutive presidential terms in France. He proposed to reconsider this constitutional rule.

In the French Constitution, Article 6 provides that the President of the Republic can only be re-elected once consecutively. Thus, Emmanuel Macron, who was already elected in 2017 and 2022, will not be able to stand for re-election in 2027. On the other hand, nothing will prevent him from trying again to win back the Élysée later. But according to Jean-Pierre Raffarin, this rule is harmful because it “weakens the president” at the end of his second term.

The “coming-man” would eclipse the president in office

“I lived it in 2004”, argues the one who was then the Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac. The latter, elected in 1995 and then in 2002, could not claim a third presidential election in 2007. “And, at that time, it was the emergence of Nicolas Sarkozy,” recalls Jean-Pierre Raffarin. “As the English say, it’s the “coming-man” [le candidat qui émerge] which attracts all eyes. “A phenomenon which, according to him, penalizes the action of the president in office.

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Especially since for the next presidential election, Jean-Pierre Raffarin predicts that many new candidates could emerge in the line of Emmanuel Macron. “All this, he laments, weakens the President, who will no longer appear in his own camp as a warlord to lead the deputies to victory. »

READ ALSOINFO THE POINT. Macron is already preparing the post-Macron

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