Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron in the lead, Valérie Pécresse is slightly ahead of Marine Le Pen

Emmanuel Macron is at the top of the voting intentions for the first round of the presidential election, according to the OpinionWay poll for CNEWS published this Friday, January 28.

The current resident of the Élysée remains in the lead with the same percentage as in the last surveys with 24%.

Behind him, Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains) is still credited with 18% of the votes but only occupies second place. Marine Le Pen (National Rally) loses a point (17%) and thus finds herself in third position and would be deprived of the second round.

Following the trio, the polemicist Éric Zemmour (13%) also loses a point compared to the last poll.

The leader of Reconquest! ahead of three left-wing candidates: Jean-Luc Mélenchon (France Insoumise), Yannick Jadot (Europe Ecology-The Greens) and Christiane Taubira. The leader of the FI (9%) and the former Minister of Justice (5%) retain the same score as the previous week when the ecologist gains a point (6%). The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, remains with only 2% of the voting intentions.

Valérie Pécresse gets closer to Emmanuel Macron

Note that 16% of those questioned did not express a choice for this first round of the presidential election.

In the second round, the investigation considered two hypotheses. In the case of a face-to-face between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the resident of the Élysée would win the ballot with 57% of the vote against 43% for the leader of the RN. Compared to the last poll, the Head of State gains one point.

In the second hypothesis, Emmanuel Macron would always be ahead of his opponent, this time Valérie Pécresse, but by a short head (52% against 48% for the Republican candidate). In this duel, the president loses a point compared to the current president of the Île-de-France region.

The latter is in a positive dynamic. In mid-December, the gap in the event of a second round against Emmanuel Macron was 8 points. It is only 4% to date.

In detail, facing Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron marks the difference among 18-24 year olds (60% of intentions against 40%) and among those aged 65 and over (64% against 36%).

In a possible duel against Valérie Pécresse, Emmanuel Macron is ahead of the Republican candidate in all age categories.

* Survey conducted from January 26 to 27 on a sample of 988 people registered on the electoral lists, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

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