Presidential 2022: “I am in favor of a second round Pécresse-Macron”, says Raffarin

Asked about the candidate who would have his vote, the former prime minister said he wanted to “wait for the project” from the outgoing president.

I want to wait for Emmanuel Macron’s project.On Franceinfo, Jean-Pierre Raffarin was questioned on Tuesday February 15 about the candidate who would have his vote, two months before the presidential election.

Until the outgoing president presents his project, the campaign is virtual“said the former prime minister. To date, he argues, there are only “challengers debating among themselves», and the debate «is completely artificial“.

I don’t know today if the president is going to play the card of continuity or that of change.“, he continued. Jean-Pierre Raffarin hopes that Emmanuel Macron will intend to put his “experience” in the service “with new impetus” and a “ambitious project“.

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To avoid the far right in the second round”

The former Prime Minister then showed little confidence “in the outcome of a Le Pen-Macron election“without fearing”For victoryof the Head of State. “But I think we will lose legitimacy. If there is an increase in violence in society, it is because there is a decline in politics. (…) I am in favor of a second round Pécresse -Macron. What seems to me the most important is to avoid the extreme right in the second round because this second round must give legitimacy to the president because he needs authority.

In his latest book, Choosing a leader, the secrets of leadership throughout history (Michel Lafon), Jean-Pierre Raffarin indeed pointed to the fragility of Emmanuel Macron, whom he considers too “solitary“. “The greatest threat to the chef remains wear and tear, weariness, even the fed up expressed by clearance. A common anti-outgoing front is always possible“Warns the former prime minister.

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