Presidential 2022 In Ain, up to 1h30 waiting to vote in Montluel

While a strong abstention was to be feared, in view of the previous elections, the vote in the city of Montluel gave, this Sunday morning April 10, an opposite impression. The queue to vote was impressive. It took an average of an hour and a half between 10 a.m. and noon to submit one’s ballot.

Some pissed off voters

Rather resigned, the Montluistes, who confided that they had never seen this, calmly waited their turn in the sun. Some, a little nervous, expressed the wish, in the future, of a dematerialized vote.

Still others postponed their participation until later in the day. But like Emmanuel Crévola, who put his ballot in the ballot box for the first time, “no matter what the wait, you had to vote”.

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