Presidential 2022: Marion Maréchal is preparing to join Eric Zemmour

Marion Maréchal, niece of Marine Le Pen, is preparing to join the camp of Eric Zemmour (Reconquest).

The former member of the Front National should formalize her support during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Toulon (Var) on March 6, according to information from Figaro.

“It’s a real turning point, because its imminent support will symbolize and announce the success of the union of the rights after forty years of cordon sanitaire”, assured a close friend of Eric Zemmour.

The presidential candidate did not confirm this rallying. But “I can tell you that I wish it, I will welcome her with open arms, because she is a longtime friend, a remarkable woman”, he indicated on CNEWS.

Marine Le Pen “saddened»

More conservative than Marine Le Pen on social issues and more liberal in economics, Marion Maréchal had already said in January that she “leaned for Eric Zemmour” but that there was also “a family subject” with her aunt.

“It saddens me personally and it plunges me into an abyss of perplexity politically,” reacted Marine Le Pen for her part. “I am the only one who can win against Emmanuel Macron.” The Rassemblement National candidate is in second position in the polls, with 18% of voting intentions against 12% for Eric Zemmour, according to the latest OpinionWay barometer for CNEWS.

Four MEPs close to Marion Maréchal have already joined Eric Zemmour’s campaign. The latter, now retired from political life, continues to speak regularly on several subjects.

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