Presidential 2022: nearly 500 artists from the world of French culture call to vote for Emmanuel Macron

They are actors, singers, directors or even writers … Several hundred French artists signed a platform this Friday, April 15 in which they affirm that they will vote for Emmanuel Macron to block Marine Le Pen during the second round of the presidential election on April 24.

“On April 10, the far right, for the third time in the history of the Fifth Republic, is in the second round of the presidential election, at the gates of power. She has never been so close to winning,” warned the group of personalities this Friday in a press release sent to the media, including AFP and Le Parisien.

If the authors of the forum recognize “sometimes having had differences, oppositions and deep disagreements with the power in place”, they remain however unanimous on their desire to block the far-right candidate.

“But if for some of us the outcome of this first round was not as expected, if for some of us mistrust remains; for us today there is no hesitation, no doubt, no hesitation. We do not put democracy and populism on the same level”, made the collective understand.

In this group of more than 400 people, we find names like Fabrice Luchini, Béatrice Dalle, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Marc Lévy, Guillaume Canet, actor Gilles Lellouche, or even singers Enrico Macias, Thomas Dutronc and Clara Luciani.

The wish for a resistant, humanist and generous France

All felt that “nothing in Marine Le Pen’s program brings them closer to the history of France that is resistant, humanist, generous and open to the world”. They also affirmed that the program of the representative of the National Rally “remains that of xenophobia and withdrawal, of a candidate who has made an alliance with totalitarian and warmongering powers”.

Several other reasons related to this position were also mentioned, such as “the climate and environmental emergency”. And the signatories do not hide their fears either about what “what would become of culture within France, if it was she who was chosen by the vote”.

This call to boycott Marine Le Pen at the polls comes a few days after the call launched by French sportsmen to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron. In the same dynamic, this Friday, the Great Mosque of Paris invited its community to oppose the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen by voting for the French president.

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