Presidential 2022 Nicolas Bay rallies Eric Zemmour, castigates the “backsliding” of Marine Le Pen

The MEP and leading member of the National Rally, Nicolas Bay, dismissed on Tuesday from his functions by the party for “sabotage” for the benefit of Eric Zemmour, announced Wednesday evening his rallying to the rival of Marine Le Pen, castigating the “turnarounds and setbacks ”of the candidate RN.

“I have decided to fully commit myself alongside Éric Zemmour in the presidential campaign because I deeply believe in his candidacy, his project and his strategy”, affirms in Le Figaro the MEP.

“Turnarounds, a real infidelity to voters”

Accused by the RN of “disloyalty”, Nicolas Bay explains that the “true infidelity” towards voters is “to give up denouncing the shackles of the European Court of Human Rights, at the exit of Schengen, at the end of binationality, accept PMA without a father”.

“These multiple reversals and setbacks have contributed to demobilizing our voters and constitute, for once, a real infidelity towards them,” he believes.

The RN candidate, who criticizes the “brutality” of Eric Zemmour’s proposals, “confuses extremism and radicalism. When our country is on the brink of the abyss, the measures to be implemented are necessarily radical. I don’t think that we will eradicate Islamism from Roubaix or that we will liberate the northern districts of Marseille from drug traffickers with half measures, ”adds Nicolas Bay.

“By constantly seeking to appease the moral left, I think that we are making a political error but also a tactical one. And we now see that the candidacy of Marine Le Pen arouses a certain indifference, ”he judges.

“I don’t mind that he leaves”, reacted Le Pen

Before this announcement, Marine Le Pen judged Wednesday evening on LCI that Nicolas Bay “could no longer” stay by his side, “from the moment when people behave badly, when they are disloyal”.

“I don’t mind him leaving, but why stay in the countryside as long as possible to sabotage the countryside from within and end up having a movie and leaving? “Added the far-right candidate, claiming to have” made his career “.

Behaviors like that make people stop voting

Marine Le Pen

New defection in favor of Zemmour

The RN accuses Nicolas Bay of “sabotage” for having transmitted information to the rival of Marine Le Pen, which the MEP refutes. Marine Le Pen assured LCI that she had “the elements” but refused to make them public.

Without naming him, Marine Le Pen had on Tuesday “asked those who operate the slug strategy to please speed up their departures (…) because the slug is slow but also sticky”.

Three MEPs – Jérôme Rivière, Gilbert Collard and Maxette Pirbakas – have joined the candidate Reconquête! Eric Zemmour, followed on Sunday by the only senator RN Stéphane Ravier, as well as several regional advisers.

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